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  1. Sys req: > FreeBSD 12+ > Mysql 5.6 > Visual Studio 2022 Was online with 2k players. VDI to compile game Download: [Hidden Content] The archive contain: > Game & Mysql > Sursa Client si Server > Client Unpack in 8 limbi > Full Design - Logo - Loading - Discord logo - site etc toate is psd si poate fii modificate ! > Website > Autopatcher Download: [Hidden Content] Presentation:
    5 points
  2. Freebsd 13.2+ Mariadb 10.6.16 pkg install python3 Navicat id: mdkc Oass: Dev FreeBSD 13.2:
    4 points
  3. It''s a 2020 version! Download: [Hidden Content]
    4 points
  4. Locale_inc.h #pragma once ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define APP_TITLE "SERVERFILES" // ### Default Ymir Macros ### #define LOCALE_SERVICE_EUROPE #define ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_ENERGY_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM // ### Default Ymir Macros ### ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ### New From LocaleInc ### #define ENABLE_PACK_GET_CHECK #define ENABLE_CANSEEHIDDENTHING_FOR_GM #define ENABLE_PROTOSTRUCT_AUTODETECT #define ENABLE_DICE_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_EXTEND_INVEN_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_LVL115_ARMOR_EFFECT #define ENABLE_SLOT_WINDOW_EX #define ENABLE_USE_COSTUME_ATTR #define WJ_SHOW_MOB_INFO #ifdef WJ_SHOW_MOB_INFO #define ENABLE_SHOW_MOBAIFLAG #define ENABLE_SHOW_MOBLEVEL #endif // ### New From LocaleInc ### ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ### From GameLib ### // #define ENABLE_MAGIC_REDUCTION_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_MOUNT_COSTUME_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_WEAPON_COSTUME_SYSTEM // ### From GameLib ### ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ENABLE_TELEPORT_WINDOW #ifdef ENABLE_TELEPORT_WINDOW #define ENABLE_TEXT_COLOR_CHANGING #define ENABLE_TW_LEVEL_MODULE #define ENABLE_TW_YANG_MODULE #define ENABLE_TW_ITEM_MODULE #ifdef ENABLE_TEXT_COLOR_CHANGING #define ENABLE_REALTIME_REFRESH #endif #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ### Source Rework 2021 ### #define ENABLE_FIX_MOBS_LAG #define ENABLE_CAMERA_MINIMIZARE_CLIENT_FIX #define FIX_UPDATE_LEVEL #define FIX_UPDATE_PLAYTIME_AND_ITEMS #define FIX_CHAT_HISTORY_UPDATE #define FIX_CONNECT #define FIX_DELETE_FRIEND_REFRESH #define __ENABLE_STEALTH_FIX__ #define FIX_UNHANDLED_EMPTY_TEXTURESET #define FIX_PLAYERS_LOAD #define ENABLE_FAST_DROP #define DISABLE_FONT_ITALIC_GM #define ENABLE_MOVEMENT_FIX #define ENABLE_SOME_FIXES #define ENABLE_CLIENT_MEMORY_LEAK_AND_CPU_USAGE_FIX #define ENABLE_ITEM_MOVE_FIX #define ENABLE_ANTIFLAG_TOOLTIP #define __CHANNEL_STATUS_UPDATE__ #define POTIUNI_PERMANENTE_RELUCRATE #define ENABLE_CPP_PSM #define ENABLE_RTT_STATISTICS #define ENABLE_RUN_MOUSE_WHEEL // ### Source Rework 2021 ### ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define __COMPARE_TOOLTIP__ #define ENABLE_SPECIAL_CHAT #define ENABLE_SHOW_CHEST_DROP #define ENABLE_MOVE_CHANNEL #define ENABLE_OFFLINE_SHOP #define ENABLE_SHOP_SEARCH #define ENABLE_SEND_TARGET_INFO #define ENABLE_SASH_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_CHANGELOOK_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_SPECIAL_INVENTORY_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_SKILL_SELECT_FEATURE #define ENABLE_AFTERDEATH_SHIELD #define ENABLE_REFINE_RENEWAL #define ENABLE_VIEW_TARGET_PLAYER_HP #define ENABLE_VIEW_TARGET_DECIMAL_HP #define ENABLE_WHISPER_RENEWAL #define ENABLE_DAILY_REWARD #define ENABLE_DISTANCE_SHOPPING #define ENABLE_KILL_STATISTICS #define ENABLE_QUEST_RENEWAL #define ENABLE_SEND_TARGET_INFO_EXTENDED #define ENABLE_CUBE_RENEWAL_WORLDARD #define LINK_IN_CHAT #define ENABLE_HIGHLIGHT_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_DUNGEON_INFO_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_MINI_GAME #define ENABLE_FISH_EVENT #define WJ_ENABLE_TRADABLE_ICON #define ENABLE_NEW_MODULE_CONFIG #define ENABLE_SWITCHBOT #define ENABLE_FOV_OPTION #define ENABLE_MESSENGER_TEAM #define NEW_BONUS #define CUSTOM_TITLE_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_RENEWAL_SHOPEX #define ENABLE_NEW_EXCHANGE_WINDOW #define ENABLE_DISCORD_RPC #define ENABLE_SHOW_LIDER_AND_GENERAL_GUILD #define ENABLE_SHOW_LIDER_AND_GENERAL_GUILD_VALUE1 "[Lider] - " #define ENABLE_SHOW_LIDER_AND_GENERAL_GUILD_VALUE2 "[Co-Lider] - " #define ENABLE_SKILL_TABLE_RENEW // Enable synchronization skill_proto -> skilltable CommonDefines.h: #ifndef __INC_METIN2_COMMON_DEFINES_H__ #define __INC_METIN2_COMMON_DEFINES_H__ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ### General Features ### #define ENABLE_D_NJGUILD #define ENABLE_FULL_NOTICE #define ENABLE_NEWSTUFF #define ENABLE_PORT_SECURITY #define ENABLE_BELT_INVENTORY_EX enum eCommonDefines { MAP_ALLOW_LIMIT = 32, }; // ### General Features ### ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ### Reworked 2021 Systems #### #define ENABLE_FLOOD_PRETECTION #define IS_FIX_POISON_RISIPA_AFFECT(type) ((type) == AFFECT_MOV_SPEED || (type) == AFFECT_ATT_SPEED || (type) == AFFECT_STR || (type) == AFFECT_DEX || (type) == AFFECT_INT || (type) == AFFECT_CON || (type) == AFFECT_CHINA_FIREWORK || (type) == SKILL_JEONGWI || (type) == SKILL_GEOMKYUNG || (type) == SKILL_CHUNKEON || (type) == SKILL_EUNHYUNG || (type) == SKILL_GYEONGGONG || (type) == SKILL_GWIGEOM || (type) == SKILL_TERROR || (type) == SKILL_JUMAGAP || (type) == SKILL_MANASHILED || (type) == SKILL_HOSIN || (type) == SKILL_REFLECT || (type) == SKILL_KWAESOK || (type) == SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK || (type) == SKILL_GICHEON) #define __FIX_CHANGE_SEX_WITHOUT_RELOG__ #define ENABLE_FLY_FIX #define ENABLE_BOSS_KICK_INTO_WALLS_FIX #define ENABLE_KICK_MULTI_IP_OX #define ENABLE_HEADER_100_FIX #define __FIX_UPDATE_LEVEL__ #define __FIX_UPDATE_ALIGNMENT__ #define __FIX_COSTUM_NUNTA_PESTE_COSTUM_NORMAL__ #define FIX_BLOCK_MOB_SAFEZONE #define __FIX_BREASLA_LA_SCHIMBARE_REGAT__ #define __FIX_UPDATE_PLAYTIME_AND_ITEMS__ #define __FIX_DELETE_FRIEND_REFRESH__ #define __FIX_INFO_REFINE_DRAGONSOUL__ #define __FIX_DUNGEON_PARTY__ #define ENABLE_FIX_READ_ETC_DROP_ITEM_FILE_BY_VNUM #define __FIX_EXPLOIT_QUEST__ #define FLUSH_AT_SHUTDOWN #define FIX_SELECT_EMPIRE_PHASE #define __FIX_EXP_GRUP__ #define __FIX_ITEMS_TYPE_33__ #define __FIX_KICK_HACK__ #define ENABLE_COUNT_MONSTER_FIX #define ENABLE_DUNGEON_NOTICE_FIX #define FIX_LOAD_MOBS_WITH_MOUNT #define __FIX_NIVEL_CAL__ #define __FIX_PC_SELECT_QUEST__ #define ENABLE_FIX_QUICK_SLOT #define __FIX_SECONDARY_SKILL__ #define __FIX_TIMER_EVENT__ #define ENABLE_DESTROY_GUILD_IF_WAR_IS_ACTIVE_FIX #define __FIX_BUG_AURA_TAIS_FARA_ARMA__ #define __FIX_HP_GROUP__ #define __FIX_COMANDA_RAZBOI__ #define __FIX_CAMPFIRE__ #define __FIX_CAMPFIRE__SEC 60 #define __FIX_BUG_IMMUNE__ #define __FIX_CHANGE_SKILL_VISUAL_BUG__ #define FIX_DUNGEON_MUSIC #define POTIUNI_PERMANENTE_RELUCRATE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ### Reworked 2021 Systems #### ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ### CommonDefines Systems ### #define ENABLE_DICE_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_EXTEND_INVEN_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_MOUNT_COSTUME_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_WEAPON_COSTUME_SYSTEM // #define ENABLE_MAGIC_REDUCTION_SYSTEM #ifdef ENABLE_MAGIC_REDUCTION_SYSTEM // #define USE_MAGIC_REDUCTION_STONES #endif // ### CommonDefines Systems ### ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif /* OFFLINE SHOPS */ #define OFFLINE_SHOP #define GIFT_SYSTEM #define SHOP_TIME_REFRESH 1*60 #define SHOP_BLOCK_GAME99 #define SHOP_DISTANCE #define SHOP_AUTO_CLOSE #define SHOP_GM_PRIVILEGES GM_IMPLEMENTOR #define ENABLE_TELEPORT_WINDOW #ifdef ENABLE_TELEPORT_WINDOW #define TELEPORT_COUNTDOWN_TIME 3 #endif #define ENABLE_SPECIAL_CHAT #define ENABLE_SHOW_CHEST_DROP #define ENABLE_MOVE_CHANNEL #define MISSION_MAX_BIOLOG 11 #define ENABLE_SHOP_SEARCH #define __SEND_TARGET_INFO__ #define __SASH_SYSTEM__ #define __CHANGELOOK_SYSTEM__ #define __SPECIAL_INVENTORY_SYSTEM__ #define __SORT_INVENTORY_ITEMS__ #define ENABLE_POLY_SHOP #define ENABLE_SKILL_SELECT_FEATURE #define ENABLE_AFTERDEATH_SHIELD #ifdef ENABLE_AFTERDEATH_SHIELD #define AFTERDEATH_SHIELD_DURATION 15 #endif #define __VIEW_TARGET_PLAYER_HP__ #define __VIEW_TARGET_DECIMAL_HP__ #define __CHANNEL_STATUS_UPDATE__ #define ENABLE_WHISPER_RENEWAL #define ENABLE_DAILY_REWARD #define ENABLE_DISTANCE_SHOPPING #define ENABLE_KILL_STATISTICS #define __QUEST_RENEWAL__ #ifdef __QUEST_RENEWAL__ #define _QR_MS_ #endif #define __BATTLE_PASS__ #define ENABLE_SEND_TARGET_INFO_EXTENDED #define ENABLE_CUBE_RENEWAL_WORLDARD #define ENABLE_CLEAR_OLD_GUILDS_LANDS_BY_INACTIVITY #define ENABLE_UPDATE_LASTPLAY_REAL_TIME #define __GM_PE_N__ #define ENABLE_HIGHLIGHT_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_DUNGEON_INFO_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_FISH_EVENT #define WJ_ENABLE_TRADABLE_ICON #define __HIDE_COSTUME_SYSTEM__ #define ENABLE_SWITCHBOT #define ENABLE_MESSENGER_TEAM #define NEW_BONUS #define CUSTOM_TITLE_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_RENEWAL_SHOPEX #define __NEW_EXCHANGE_WINDOW__ #define ENABLE_SHOW_LIDER_AND_GENERAL_GUILD FREBSD 12.2 64 / 32 BIT MYSQL 5.6 Para eliminar MySQL---------------- ----------------MySQL 5.5 desinstale---------------- Código: pkg remove mysql55-server mysql55-client pkg install mysql55-server mysql55-client pkg install –y mysql55-server mysql55-client ----------------MySQL 5.6---------------- Código: pkg remove mysql56-server mysql56-client pkg install mysql56-server mysql56-client Copilar source Game cd /usr/src/server/Extern/cryptopp 2) gmake libcryptopp.a -j20 2) segundo paso cd /usr/src/server/Server Download Compatible with FreeBSD 11.4: FreeBSD 11.4 Official link: Here
    2 points
  5. Astazi a venit timpul sa pun la vanzare proiectul la care lucrez de mai mult de 2 ani. Avand in vedere sutele de ore alocate acestui serverfiles, pot spune ca am reusit sa rezolv de la cele mai mici bug-uri pana la cele mai majore probleme existente pe acest joc. Descriere pe scurt: - Nivel maxim: 105 - Evolutii pana la Beta - PVM Mediu - Drop Clasic (cel de pe RO din 2009) - Gameplay facut partial - mai trebuie doar la questuri sa umblii, sa adaugi/scoti ce vrei - System Evenimente automate - Clean & Clasic & Optimizat & Bine gandit - Bazele la surse sunt cele mainline clean - Sursa server este actualizata la C++17 si se compileaza pe GCC-7 (inclusiv pe freebsd 9.2 se poate compila) - Sursa Binary se compileaza cu Visual Studio 2013 - Vibe de old school cu systeme new school Serverfiles-ul este unul lucrat in cel mai mic detaliu, cu bug-uri vizuale rezolvate, exploit-uri puse la punct si cu un inceput de gameplay promitator. Mai jos o sa fie o lista cu toate problemele si bug-urile rezolvate, systemele adaugate si imbunatatirile aduse. Updates 20.06.2021: - FIX tasta F10 (poate fi folosita acum fara sa se mai blocheze clientul) - System Statistici Razboi Bresle (tasta TAB) - System Bara Kill Razboi Bresle - FIX Kill Observer Mode Razboi Bresle - FIX Slot-uri Magazin - FIX Mesaj Breasla Spam Exploit - FIX Schimba regat - invita breasla Exploit - FIX Actualizare membrii in Razboi Bresle - FIX blocheaza dimensiune mai mica de 800x600 M2Bob Sisteme adaugate: - System 4 inventare + chei - System Quest Renewal - System Cube Renewal + Copy Bonus - System Drop Renewal - System Skillurile Pasive 141/142 (~full, c++ with books~) - System al 6-lea skill - System al 7-lea & al 8-lea skill - System Hide Costume - System Costume Weapon - System Mount Costume - System Pagina Bonusuri ca pe oficial (~fully unbugged~) - System Emotii noi (~full~) - System Chat Global cu steaguri (steag special la GM), si PM cu click pe nume - System Emoji chat/pm - System Schimba Canal (citire din serverinfo.py) - System Remove Affect (poly + buff skills) - System Event Manager + Calendar Evenimente Automat - System Arata/Ascunde Chat din setari - System Arata/Ascunde nivel mobi + aggresive - System Ascunde/Arata Pet-uri/Mount-uri/Magazine - System Team in friendlist (C++) - System Broadcast message - mesaj mentenanta/anunt - System Mob target (~fully unbugged~) - System HP on target (~fully unbugged~) - System Alege font din Setari Joc - System Buy with items (~fully unbugged~) - System Refine items check - System Guild Leader/General - System Armament cu optiune dezactivare/activare in Setari Joc - System Daily Reward System cu buton pe MiniMap - System SwitchBot cu optiune de salvare bonusuri/cumparare automata - System CTRL + V - System Link-uri cu mesaj atentionare - System Multi Textline - System Vine Rapid obiecte la NPC cu mesaj (pe timer) - System ignore lower buffs - System BAN_IP Probleme rezolvate: - FIX Exploit Messenger/Guild/Trade/Friends - FIX Storage exploit - FIX ITEM_BLEND Memory Leak - FIX MoveItem Usage Exploit - FIX Checkin/out Exploit - FIX Packet Flood Server - FIX Kick Hack - FIX HP Bug - FIX Kill Animation Mobs (they die instantly now) - FIX dice/war/a command - FIX Select Character update - FIX Visual bug reload skill - FIX Visual bugs (maps, characterwindow, characterdetails, switchbot, etc.) - FIX update status skill (farmec) - FIX Skill 121 - FIX Belt slots - FIX Height Actors - FIX Switch bonus on equipped items - FIX armour (OX) bug - FIX Weapon Costume (on fishing rod/pickaxe) - FIX Shining on King Armours - FIX L chat bug - FIX Alignment bug (/set xx alig) - FIX Cloud Clipping - FIX Effect accumulation when client is minimized - FIX SEQUENCE mismatch header 254 - FIX CQuestManager::Click - FIX CMapOutdoor::Load - LoadMonsterAreaInfo ERROR - FIX Invisibility - FIX pickup item when riding - FIX auto attack - FIX unmount (weird refresh bug) - FIX mount/unmount/mob attack lag delay - FIX length name pets - FIX White texture on NPCs - FIX for items with no icon - FIX Random warp client crash - FIX Stack & Read Skill Books - FIX Stack Items - Group Pickup - FIX Type 33/28 - cannot wear same item - FIX Reset Skill Group - FIX Block Skills in OX Event - FIX Bug hit without weapon on horse & bow & pickaxe & rod - FIX Stack NPC/Magic Metal/Bless - FIX_READ_ETC_DROP_ITEM_FILE_BY_VNUM Imbunatatiri aduse: - Mob Drop Oficial (sunt incluse si UP-urile de la fiecare mob) - Nu poti echipa/dezechipa un obiect cand ai un magazin deschis (NPC) - Iconite adaugate la hyperlink - Chenar colorat la pietrele de pe arme/armuri (ciob/reusita) - Teleport cu click pe harta - Nivel in fereastra de negociere - Effect la patrunzatoare - A fost adaugat un + la obiectele de upgrade cu plus. - OnMouseWheel scroll (oriunde, nu doar pe scollbar) - A fost schimbata interfata la Sistemul Pagina Bonusuri - Au fost adaugate emojiuri custom - Tooltip/numar obiecte adaugat in fereastra de refine - Obiectele care au 0 yang apar acum cu textul "Gratuit" - Nivelul se actualizeaza instant - No-collision in unele parti ale mapelor / membrii grupei / mount-uri / pet-uri - Membrii din Staff nu au nivel/grad, in loc am adaugat textul [Admin] - A fost adaugat "Versiune Client" in meniul de pe ESC - Bonusurile Verzi pot fi folosite acum pe orice obiect pana in nivel 40 - Pagina Caracterului a fost refacuta si reparata - Au fost adaugate ora si data cu iconite in chat - Aura sabiei este acum pe Toggle - Yang Total din magazinul tau privat - A fost adaugat butonul Adauga in lista de prieteni in PM - PM cu click pe nume in chat - A fost adaugata o comanda /stats care iti spune niste informatii despre un caracter ales de tine - Acum poti vedea pozitia unui membru din grupa pe Harta Mare - Au fost adaugate efecte la toate inelele - Restrictiile obiectului (nu poti arunca/vinde/negocia) au fost adaugate in tooltip - Nivel in fereastra de negociere - Acum poti arunca pana la 10kk pe jos - Daca obiectul dropat nu este al tau, acesta va avea titlul cu culoare rosie. - Daca obiectul dropat are cel putin un bonus, acesta va avea culoarea galbena - Acum apare numele cartii dropate pe jos. - A fost adaugata stralucire pesntru Weapon Costume - Comanda /b si /n au fost refacute pe python (Nume GM pe n chat, bara de anunturi a fost redimensionata, adaugat text [Anunt] in b chat + big notice acum se vede pentru toata lumea) - Inventarul de costume este fixat pe inventar acum si a fost adaugat buton ca la belt inventory pentru a-l deschide - Curelele arata acum numarul de sloturi pe care le deblocheaza - Costumele cu bonusuri au acum un text in tooltip care arata acest lucru - Click dreapta pentru a trimite/retrage iteme in/din Depozit - A fost adaugat efect la Pet-uri - A fost adaugat timer pe cereri (friend/GROUP) - Au fost adaugate efecte la licorile mov si verzi + FIX la sunet - A fost adaugat numele mapei in titlul aplicatiei - A fost sters butonul de Vinde la magazinele private - Ban/Unban + Reason on Ban message - A fost schimbat efectul la obiectele +9 - Elixirele si apele pot si stocate in inventarul de curele acum - A fost adaugat efect la bara HP - Bonusul Incetinire incetineste si atacul acum - Sync skill_proto sv <-> client - A fost redus timpul de asteptare intre schimbare echipament atuncic and ataci Si pentru ca o poza valoreaza cat o mie de cuvinte am sa las mai jos cateva poze de pe server. De ce ai cumpara acest serverfiles si nu altul? In primul rand, serverfiles-ul este realizat in asa fel incat acesta sa fie cat mai automatizat. Ce inseamna asta? Poti sta linistit pe plaja in Mamaia, iar serverul tau de metin sa se "administreze" singur. Cum asa? Am adaugat systeme care permit un gameplay cat mai concret si fara ca tu sa faci multe modificari. Este un serverfiles stabil care nu necesita mai mult de o mentenanta rapida (restart + curatat log-uri) pe saptamana. Evenimentele sunt automate, astfel acestea se activeaza si dezactiveaza automat conform calendarului pe care il setezi tu. Serverul dispune momentan de urmatoarele evenimente automate. - Eveniment Clar de Luna - Eveniment Fotbal - Eveniment Costume - Eveniment Cufere Hexagonale - Autorizatii - Eveniment Special (unde in functie de perioada poti pune alt eveniment, ex: Craciun,Vara,Halloween,Paste,etc.) In al doilea rand, a fost investit mult timp in stabilizarea si optimizarea fisierelor, astfel incat acest serverfiles a rezistat exemplar la un test pe un server cu 200 playeri. Am avut multa grija sa adaug systeme ce fac jocul mai distractiv si mai interesant, fara a ma abate insa de la clasicitatea jocului. Am incercat sa reusesc acolo unde gameforge, din pacate, a esuat si pot spune ca a iesit ceva frumos. Mai jos vei gasi cateva gif-uri de pe server: ## Functie ScrollWheel [Hidden Content] ## Animatie Bara HP [Hidden Content] ## Click dreapta trimite/scoate iteme depozit [Hidden Content] ## Hide Costume System [Hidden Content] ## Al 6-lea, al 7-lea & al 8-lea skill [Hidden Content] ## Schimba Canal System [Hidden Content] ## Mob Target Info System [Hidden Content] ## Extindere Inventar System [Hidden Content] ## Remove Affect System [Hidden Content] ## Ascunde Yang Chat System [Hidden Content] ## Global Chat System [Hidden Content] ## Inventar Costume Nou [Hidden Content] ## Emotii Noi [Hidden Content] ## Paste Text & Link System [Hidden Content] ## Monster Info System [Hidden Content] ## Armament System (cu functie blocare din Setari Joc) [Hidden Content] ## PM Icons Renewal [Hidden Content] ## Lider & General Breasla System [Hidden Content] + muuuulte multe altele, trebuie sa fii pe server ca sa vezi exact potentialul acestui serverfiles. Am sa revin pe parcursul zilelor urmatoare cu informatii noi + mai multe poze/gif-uri Pret: GRATIS. DOWNLOAD DOAR AZI ! Metin4You.Ro Google drive [Hidden Content] Vei primi: Serverfiles + Client + Decryptor + DumpProto + Sursa Binary + Sursa Server (game&db) + Suport 6 luni pentru orice eventuala problema Zi faina 😄 - SwitchBot-ul se activeaza acum cu click dreapta pe schimbator. [Hidden Content] - A fost adaugata Tolba Arcasului (Novice, Normal, Avansata, Master)
    2 points
  6. INFORMATION: - FreeBSD 13+ - MySQL 5.6 - GCC10 - Visual Studio 2022 - Base: Martysama 5.3 - Sources used: Rubria, Wonder & Nostalgia SYSTEMS: - Dungeon Info + Reenter system (Checks on reenter to make sure there is no abuse) - Offline Shop Ikarus (Fixed) - WIKI System (Fixed, don't mix images or categories) - Biolog System - Boss Zone Teleport - Calendar Events + Autoevent (4 Events available, configurable from navicat) - Rune System (Fixed) - Mob Drop Info - Special Storage (Extra inventory) - NPC Pressets (Any NPC can be use as a SHOP) - Instant Switchbot (Fixed) - Guild Ranking - Gaya System - Soul System - Rewards System - Frozen Bonus - Skill Boost - Passive Skill - Multifarm Block (3 accounts) - Skill Color - Multilanguage (RO/EN/DE) - Duel System - EXP bottle ring + EXP bottle (Stored experience can be used on another character) - Shaman System (Buffy) DUNGEONS: - Temple of the Orcs - Slime Queen - Spider Queen - Tower of Demons - Dungeon Runes - Devil's Catacomb - Blue Dragon - Melee - Razador - Nemere - Ochao Temple - Jotun - Hydra - Pyramid UPDATES: - Improved Gameplay - Fix Character Create (Overflow) - Add Notice Renewal - Add Anti Spam Chat - Add Limit Buy Speed (Overflow) - New BattlePass Items - Metin Stone Size - Fps boost (REMOVED UNUSED CODES) - vcard - teen_packet - passport - openid - mobile / sms - matrix_card - libserverkey - billing - auction - limit_time
    2 points
  7. Descrierea aici [Hidden Content] Download: [Hidden Content]
    2 points
  8. Download: [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] Archive Password: metin2.network Vdi Password: radeon Cei care nu se descurca cu Virtual box aici link game & mysql [Hidden Content]
    2 points
  9. Se poate rula pe freebsd 11.3 Download: [Hidden Content]
    2 points
  10. Freebsd Installing my server files: You need BSD 12.4 64 Bit for Game Server. 1. portsnap fetch extract 2. pkg install mysql56-server 3. echo "mysql_enable=YES" >> /etc/rc.conf 4. service mysql-server start 4.1 mysql -p 4.2 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'elendosv2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'elendosv2live' WITH GRANT OPTION; 4.3 exit; 4.4 /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server restart 5. pkg install python 6. pkg install python27 7. finish ______ Start Server: cd /usr/home_elendosv2/game sh index_ch1.sh Press 1 for Start Press 2 for Close Press 3 for Logs clean Press 4 for Quest compile Press 5 for exit ______ Compile Server FreeBSD 11.4 32 Bit. 1. Go in to /etc/pkg Edit the FreeBSD.conf with FreeBSD: { url: "pkg+[Hidden Content]", mirror_type: "srv", signature_type: "fingerprints", fingerprints: "/usr/share/keys/pkg", enabled: yes } ( then the pkg tool works for the old version. ) 2. pkg install gcc48 3. pkg install gcc10 4. pkg install gmake 5. pkg install makedepend 6. pkg install devil 7. pkg install subversion 8. pkg install boost-all 9. pkg install mysql56-server 10. Finish _____ How to compile: cd /usr/src/root/ElendosV2_Source/Server/game/src Or cd /usr/src/root/ElendosV2_Source/Server/db/src 1. gmake clean 2. gmake dep 3. gmake -j10 Client Source: You need only Visual Studio 2019 than you can compile. Mega: Mediafire: Rar pass: jjas8d8asdhashda923328328hddf
    1 point
  11. Freebsd 13 Mariadb10.3 ClientSrc Vs19 c++17 ServerSrc gcc8
    1 point
  12. Freebsd 13.2+ Mariadb 10.6.16 pkg install python3 *Date (mysql/vdi/ingame): Navicat id: mdkc password: Dev
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Virustotal: [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  15. // FIX blurry ground texture DirectX9: // Search in StateManager.cpp #ifdef _DEBUG int i, j; for (i = 0; i < STATEMANAGER_MAX_RENDERSTATES; i++) m_bRenderStateSavingFlag[i] = FALSE; for (j = 0; j < STATEMANAGER_MAX_TRANSFORMSTATES; j++) m_bTransformSavingFlag[j] = FALSE; for (j = 0; j < STATEMANAGER_MAX_STAGES; ++j) for (i = 0; i < STATEMANAGER_MAX_TEXTURESTATES; ++i) m_bTextureStageStateSavingFlag[j][i] = FALSE; #endif _DEBUG // Add below: #ifdef FIX_ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING D3DCAPS8 d3dCaps; m_lpD3DDev->GetDeviceCaps(&d3dCaps); if (d3dCaps.TextureFilterCaps & D3DPTFILTERCAPS_MAGFANISOTROPIC) m_dwBestMagFilter = D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC; else m_dwBestMagFilter = D3DTEXF_LINEAR; if (d3dCaps.TextureFilterCaps & D3DPTFILTERCAPS_MINFANISOTROPIC) m_dwBestMinFilter = D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC; else m_dwBestMinFilter = D3DTEXF_LINEAR; DWORD dwMax = d3dCaps.MaxAnisotropy; dwMax = dwMax < 4 ? dwMax : 4; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) m_lpD3DDev->SetTextureStageState(i, D3DTSS_MAXANISOTROPY, dwMax); #endif // in locale_inc.h: #define FIX_ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING
    1 point
  16. INFO Mysql: 5.6 FreeBSD: 13.2+ VS: 2022 Download Presentation:
    1 point
  17. Welcome to Alturi2, the most revolutionary Metin2 server you'll ever experience! 🌟Click and drag to move Here, we redefine the newschool style with a unique and innovative approach like nothing you've seen before in the world of Metin2. Website: [Hidden Content] Discord: [Hidden Content] Presentation: [Hidden Content] Don’t miss our trailer – watch it here: [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  18. - Switched from FreeBSD 13.2 to FreeBSD 14.0. - Switched to Martysama v5.8 Ikarus v2 Offline Shop PRO version, the cleanest and most up-to-date version. - UPGRADED from Ikarus v2 Offline Shop Pro Version to ULTIMATE version. (Integrated with Won system) - Bugs in Offline Shop fixed. (Item deletion etc. fix.) - Mali Multi Language PREMIUM version ADDED. - NPC coordinates are now available to be pulled from the Client. (ENABLE_GF_ATLAS_MARK_INFO) ''If you encounter any problems, I will update it. WITH LOVE'' UPDATE-2.1: 02.11.2024 - GMs can now be teleported by clicking on the items they want on the mini map. M key. UPDATE-2.2: 11/03/2024 - Switched to Official character information window. C key. / - Bonus window added. UPDATE-2.3: 11/03/2024 - Problems in Alchemy system have been fixed: - Enchantments were not visible fix. - Game.core was giving when plugging/unplugging fix. - Mitsi Alchemy added. UPDATE-2.4: 11/08/2024 (14.28) - Multi Language System UPGRADED TO ULTIMATE VERSION! - Switched to Official locale_string system. Now pulls from the client. - A single translate.lua file now SUPPORTS 16 LANGUAGES! Quest contents are now pulled from the client. - Mitsi Alchemy added to Shop Search. - 5% removed from Generation Absorption Rates in Shop Search. Other rates remain. UPDATE-2.5: 13.11. 2024 - (12.30) You can open offline shop and search with Y and F8 keys. SERVER FILES SETTINGS: After logging in to FileZilla , open the /home/gdb_serverfiles/main folder and open the file named gen_settings.py with Notepad. v_bindHostname='' v_proxyHostname='' the ip addresses here with your own ip address and save. After logging in to Putty, select cd /home/gdb_serverfiles/main python admin_panel.py 666. Config edits were made according to your ip address and channels were set up. COMPILING SERVER SOURCE and OPENING THE GAME: -- After logging in with Putty; cd /home/gdb-source-server/Srcs/Server gmake clean gmake all -j4 cd /home/gdb-source-server/Srcs/Server/game/src/quest gmake clean gmake cd /home/gdb_serverfiles/main python admin_panel.py 888 select. Select cd /home/gdb_serverfiles/main python admin_panel.py 666. Select cd /home/gdb_serverfiles/main python admin_panel.py 1 to open the game . NOTE: Do not try to open the game without compiling SERVER Source! CLIENT SOURCE COMPILATION: The source-client/Srcs/Client folder is opened . Right-click on the file named Metin2Client.sln.Select ''Visual Studio Version Selector'' from the Open with tabConfirm the incoming warnings with yes/ok . Right-click on the Metin2Client Solution project (16/16) part. - Clean Solution is selected. - Batch Compile -> Select All > Recompile is selected. (You can only choose release ones) - Most of the GetMotionFileName: Motion:'' syser error lines have been resolved -- FIX - Most of the LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file error lines have been resolved -- FIX - View distance has been increased. (CONFIG edit) - Fix the problem of some mount-based mobs being loaded late. - Max yang limit has been increased. - Mob Target system has been activated. - ELEMENT TARGET DISABLE (Will be updated later) - Emojitextline has been activated for some objects. - Editing regarding the won system has been postponed to the next update. - Lycan has been turned off. (Lycan DISABLED) - Lycan bonus has been deleted from item_attrr, backed up under the name item_attr_wolfman. - Most of the reported problems have been fixed. *Date (mysql/vdi/ingame): VERSION INFORMATION FreeBSD 14.0 MariaDB 10.11 VisualStudio 2022 v14x PASSWORDS: For Filezilla/Putty/VirtualBox/Navicat User name: root Password: password GM Account ID: root Password: 12345 Download: [Hidden Content]_ Freebsd: [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  19. Hello since i was looking for this system and it was "hard" to find it because Sanii's page is gone, i had to put it together taking bits of code from here and there. It is full with all the fixes and working with armor and weapon costumes. [Hidden Content] With this system you can assign an .mse file to a Vnum via 1 single .txt file It is a nice system so everyone should be able to use it. Only thing left is to adapt it for Sash's/Wing's if someone want's to do that i can post it here. Have fun. Dl - VT - [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  20. Work on bsd 12.2 or 13.1 mysql 5,6 Demos: [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  21. Hello Dear Forum Members, All the things that have been done as FreeBSD Performance that you are currently using have been done, if you are seeing something that has not been done please contact or write to me via comments or messages below this thread. It has no apparent problems at the moment and FreeBSD is the most up-to-date version. You can use it with peace of mind. In General : gcc8 gcc9 gcc10 gcc11 gmake subversion makedepend gdb ntp mysql56-server mysql56-client So in short, the Add-ons required to build and open the game are installed. Login FreeBSD ; UserID : root Pass : dev A Short Note ; For me, it is very important that it is always Performance and Stable. I like to work as clean as possible, I want it to be as accurate as possible. FREEBSD 13.1 RELEASE %99 PERFORMANCE [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  22. download: here this system contains 30+ effects/wings. tested and working.
    1 point
  23. Password to the WINRAR archive from Google drive?
    1 point
  24. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]/file/uaISiJ7S
    1 point
  25. mysql 5.6 Freebsd 13.4 studio vizual 2022 ca sa puteti intra in client intrati in SRC > Client > Userinterface for Locale_inc.h si comentati linile astea exact asa dupa cupilati sursa src si va intra in client //#definiți __ENABLE_CH3HP_PROTECTION__ //#dacă este definit(__ENABLE_CH3HP_PROTECTION__) //#define REGIST_WEBSITE_LINK „[Hidden Content] //#endif
    1 point
  26. hi @maneckotry this [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Work on FreeBSD 13 si Mysql8.0!
    0 points
  29. Here is FreeBSD 9.2 GCC ++49 MySQL 5.5
    0 points
  30. 0 points

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